Fee Schedule

The Arc of South Florida Trust

Services Fee Schedule – As of January 2019

Trust Administrator

Individual Trust (up to 2 hours monthly)

  • Up to $250,000                    $350.00
  • $251,000 – $500,000           $400.00
  • $501,000 – $1,000,000        $450.00
  • Over $1,000,000                  $500.00

Pooled Trusts

  • Initial Set up fee                       $950.00
  • Annual Fee                               2.85%

All rates below are hourly for additional individual services available

  • Representative Payee Service’s       % allowable by law   (SSA, SSI, VA)
  • Professional Guardian                       $75.00
  • Property Administrator                       $75.00
  • Case Manager                                   $125.00
  • Case Manager Assistant                    $65.00
  • Case Management Companion          $55.00

These rates are subject to change without notice

 The Arc South Florida Trust Service’s billing philosophy is to strive to maintain a low hourly rate, to delegate work as much as possible to staff with lower hourly rates that have the necessary skills to complete the task, and to show all activity on regular statements.  Hourly rates are based on the skills and training of the staff and the demands of the work that staff member ordinarily performs.